How to achieve a high quality translation?
11.14.11 | In Translation | by raluca 2
We always hear ‘I want a professional translation’ and ‘This translation is not good enough’ but we don’t always know what that means and why ‘our’ translation is not ‘professional’. I will therefore try to explain what the difference is and to teach you how to do a good translation. First of all, when given […]
Why using flags to represent languages is wrong
11.14.11 | In Translation | by raluca 8
I decided to write this post as a result of more and more people making use of this technique, which I consider to be wrong and potentially offensive. So, why should you not use flags to represent languages? First of all, a flag is not a symbol of a language, it represents a country. Although […]
Translation tools
09.20.11 | In Translation | by raluca 5
Many people ask me which online dictionaries I would recommend to be used for translation purposes. The truth is that there are so many out there but unfortunately, very few are reliable. So, what I would recommend for people to do is to always use a mono-lingual dictionary (it doesn’t really matter which one because […]
The Babel Tower and the beginning of translation
08.07.11 | In Translation | by raluca 0
Many scholars and researchers believe that the history of translation constitutes a major part of the history of culture and humankind. The first translation attempts were recorded after the Babel Tower collapsed, which, according to religious belief, is the origin of foreign languages. The history of translation begins with the first attempts to translate one […]